On FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15TH (the day of our official album release), I, Bradley Wik, will be live-streaming an intimate acoustic performance for our fans all around the world. "How?" you may ask. Turns out the internet is weird and there's this thing called PERISCOPE. It's not something we've ever attempted, done or even though about until now. But, while recording an interview for a radio station in Switzerland, I thought of how limiting playing traditional shows can be sometimes. Playing shows is only for one specific place at one specific time. I wanted to play for all our wonderful, amazing fans, wherever they may be. For crying out loud, my own mother, for instance, has only seen me play three times, IN THE PAST TEN YEARS...
So, I've decided this is the best way to spread the love and be with everyone at once; because that's what everyone wants: to be closer to Bradley Wik. It will be intimate, it will be revealing, it will contain adult language, it will be one man with a guitar, and it will be what previously could only be seen in select places. I'm so excited for this!
So, the details:
Friday, September 15th at both 9pm EST and 9pm PST
If you're already on the Periscope app, look me up at: @bradleywik
If you're not, you can click this link to sign up and follow me: https://www.pscp.tv/bradleywik/follow
You can watch on either your phone or your computer. I will most likely be doing these live-streaming shows every other Friday, but, for now, tune in Friday, September 15th for ALBUM RELEASE LIVE-STREAMING EVENT SHOW! Yes, I know, it's kind of short notice but hey, you've got 20-30 minutes, right? Look at how handsome I am in a bedroom... I could be in your bedroom... Hot, right?
Look at that sexy man... Who wouldn't want him in their bedroom? Well, on September 15th at 9pm EST and 9pm PST you can make that happen. Follow @bradleywik on the Periscope app or at https://www.pscp.tv/bradleywik/follow