The band's debut doubleheader, Super Bowl and Random Thoughts... aka... well, I guess that actually sums it up pretty damn well...

Hell of a week last week. The band and I had our debut doubleheader; Thursday at Summit Coffee in Davidson (which could barely contain the Rock N’ Roll as our merch kept rockin’ off the table we set up) and then Friday at Earl’s in Winston-Salem (which was a blast and has such an amazing stage setup, see pic below). 5 hours of Rock N’ Roll over two days was… awesome and exhausting. It’s been like a year since I put on a full on Rock show and Saturday morning I could definitely feel it some, but I love it. I didn’t quite realize how much I missed playing with a band until this past week. It was so re-energizing. I’m really looking forward to Saturday’s show with the boys up in Sparta at the Muddy Creek Cafe & Music Hall. Thanks to everyone who came out last week. It was great to see some familiar faces and be able to give them something new with the full band experience. I’m so grateful for how supportive Summit, Davidson and the great state of North Carolina have been since I’ve moved here. Definitely feels like we’ll be here for a long, long time…

I don’t have a great story for y’all today so here are some of Bradley’s patented random thoughts…

Random thought #1: The Super Bowl

It’s amazing that the Chiefs only needed 6-7 minutes (of game time) of Patrick Mahomes magic to win a Super Bowl. He’s incredible. 3 straight touchdown drives in the 4th quarter was more than the 49ers could muster over the entire game. Credit the Chiefs defense for 3 straight stops too but man, is Pat Mahomes unreal and so much fun to root for. The Chiefs’ fans deserve every bit of joy they are experiencing right now after some horrible, horrible, horrible playoff losses over the years; most of which were in KC which makes them even worse. So, drink this in. You have the best and most fun player in the league, who at 24 is just beginning his journey. As a Packers fan, I can tell you there will be times when you get frustrated that you’re not winning even more but remember to enjoy having a magician as a QB. After 25+ years of amazing QB play like we’ve had with the Packers, you can easily get used to winning, but fight against that. Winning should be exciting and never taken for granted. The 2017 and 2018 Packers’ seasons reinforced that for me. Have fun, Chiefs’ fans, these coming years will be exciting to watch.

Mahomes really reminds me of Brett Favre; unafraid, fun but fiery at times, unaffected by his mistakes, never out of a football game, can turn games in a matter of minutes, cannon arms, beloved by teammates, beloved by all football fans (unless you’re playing against him, but even then you still mostly love him), once in a generation type talent, plays a very fun style of football, is coached by Andy Reid, really trusts his receivers to make plays, maybe takes a few too many hits during a game but always bounces right back up and you love him for it, will make some mistakes because he thinks he can do anything (and usually can), wants to put the team and game on his shoulders (has a “we’re gonna win or lose because of me but I’m gonna go down fighting” type feel to some games), etc. I could go on but you get the point. I’m not sure there has been a universally-liked player like Favre until now. Like Favre did, Mahomes could create an entire generation of Chiefs fans who gravitated to the team just because of him. St. Louis fans need someone to cheer for these days. There’s more than a couple neighboring states that don’t have a team who could easily be talked into the Chiefs. We’ll see. But, he’s the first guy in a long time that could pull that off.

Random Thought #2: The Halftime Show

I rarely say this these days, but I was actually quite entertained by the Halftime show. I think it’s due to the fact that I have been a Shakira supporter since she put out “Laundry Service” back in the early 2000’s and talked about how AC/DC was one of her favorite bands growing up. She’s likely the hottest girl to say that ever and she still is insanely sexy. She doesn’t look like she’s aged at all since then. I’m not sure how that works. J. Lo was, fine, but that’s all I expected from her. I will say I think she wore the legally lowest amount of clothing for live TV. But, congrats to them both as I normally hate everything Halftime related nowadays.

Top Super Bowl Halftime moment that no one will ever top: Bruce Springsteen running full speed, knee-sliding and slamming his dick right into all of America’s face in full HD back in ‘09. Good times…

Random Thought #3: My Love for Female Singers

I’m not sure why this is, it could perhaps even be Asperger’s related as I’ve heard a couple other Aspies say the same thing, but I much prefer the sound of women singing as compared to men. Outside of a couple notable examples like Otis Redding, Smokey Robinson, Jeff Buckley, Bruce, etc., I find I tend to lean towards bands/singers who are female. It just sounds better to me. Like the female voice was made for singing and most men are trying to fit a square peg in a round hole to do so. It’s not that I hate men’s voices, they’re just usually not as good, at least to my ear.

Two things made this abundantly clear this past week: a Spotify playlist and an acoustic show I just played. The playlist was all my “newer” music (some is not exactly new, but new-ish to me) that I’ve been loving over the past couple years. It included:

  • Dead Sara

  • Land of Talk

  • Courtney Marie Andrews

  • Joan Shelley

  • Oshwa

  • The Jezabels

  • Makthaverskan

All are more or less rock-ish type bands and they all have female lead singers. If you don’t know these artists look ‘em up. Dead Sara was one of the best balls-to-the-wall Rock N’ Roll shows I’ve ever seen and Land of Talk rocked way harder live than I anticipated. Courtney Marie Andrews once helped me get home during a terrible snow storm. OK, not literally, but I once was snowed in for two days in Eastern Oregon. On the third day, they finally reopened the highways but it was still coming down like crazy. I decided to brave it and make the (what was normally a 5-6 hour) drive back across the state. But, since this was the first day of the highways being back open there was still over a foot of snow on them. The only way I could drive was to be behind a snow plow which I followed for the first 4-5 hours of my trip. Even then, the road was so treacherous that I was sliding all over like crazy which was super nerve-racking as the only other vehicles on the road were semi trucks, and they were all driving like there wasn’t a foot of snow on the ground and it wasn’t a super windy mountain pass we were going through. With a semi behind me who couldn’t slow down at all coming down the hills and the semis on the other side of the highway driving mostly all over the roads as they slid around the sharp corners, not to mention we were on a fucking mountain with lots of places you could easily slide over the edge, I figured it was 50/50 that I was going to die that day. If something happened it could take hours for an ambulance to get up there. As I white-knuckled it for almost 10 hours on that trip (it got better as we got out of the mountains), the CD in the player was Courtney Marie Andrews’ “Honest Life.” I tried a couple times to change it but each time the car started to slide out of control or I had to try and avoid getting hit by a semi that had drifted over into our side of the highway, so I just left it in on repeat and listened to that album for 10 hours straight. Luckily, it’s a great album…

As for the acoustic show, I was going back over the setlist to see what I liked/didn’t like/etc. for the next one when I realized all but 1 of the cover songs I played were originally sung by women. Billy Joel’s “Piano Man” was the only male cover I did that night. The other covers were all from women: “Landslide,” “Jolene,” “Shake it Off,” “Strong Enough.” Most of the time, I just prefer listening to women’s voices so it’s no wonder that trickled into the songs I chose to play. It’s not always that way, I’ll usually throw in a Bruce or Ryan Adams or Tom Petty or Rolling Stones song somewhere in there, but not that night. Wasn’t feeling those ones. Even on our upcoming project, I’m trying to get my wife, Brianne, to sing more lead than me. Songs I wrote for me to sing still sound better to me when sung by a woman. Sometimes, I feel like I was supposed to be a female Rock N’ Roll singer and they had a screw up at the body factory when I was born and I came out male, but I still have that female rock singer inside me. Or, I just like the sound of women’s voices better. Who knows…

Random Thought #4: THIS EXISTS?!

Yep, Peanut Butter flavored whiskey. AND… it’s pretty good.

Random Thought #5: What People Give for our Entertainment

While watching the Super Bowl, WWE, and the final episodes of BoJack Horseman this week, I was struck by how much people give of themselves for our entertainment. In wrestling and football, it’s their bodies, potentially their brains, years off the end of their lives, years spent away from their families, etc. So many of these men and women end up as a wreck physically. How could they not? In football, all the hits are like getting into dozens of car crashes on the same day, all in row. Those add up over time. I was working out today and one of the virtual trainers mentioned how one of his shoulders and one of his hips don’t move the way should from his years of playing. In wrestling, it’s not quite as violent (at least these days. The Attitude Era got pretty extreme towards the end…), but it’s 3-4 nights a week. Oh, and you’re considered a contractor so there’s no health insurance for the beating your body takes on those 3-4 nights per week. It’s hard to hear some of the stories where ex-WWEers can’t walk straight, can’t move without pain, move their bodies in any normal way, etc. after their careers are over. Or the stories of guys who have to keep wrestling well into their fifties (and sometimes beyond) or they won’t be able to afford to take care of their bodies, even though it’s the wrestling that’s doing it to them.

And sure, I know some of you out there are saying “well, they choose to do that and make millions from it.” True, in some cases. But, think of all the athletes and entertainers who aren’t making millions. There’s far more of them and they’re still doing the same damn thing for our viewing pleasure.

So why did I mention BoJack, the cartoon horse from an animated television show? He doesn’t really exist and therefore hasn’t sacrificed anything for us. Well, someone did. And there are lots of people out there who are sacrificing right now. Hell, even the voice himself, Will Arnett himself struggled with alcoholism and depression, possibly more, just like BoJack. To make that character so real, the writers must have struggled or seen the struggles of those out there so they could put it all together in BoJack. All for our entertainment.

Closer to home, think of musicians, like me. I have struggled with, or am still struggling with, drugs, alcohol, depression, suicidal thoughts and the like over the years. Part of that was bound to happen anyways, but part of it is because of the music. The same can probably be said for any performer, but it takes so much from you and you need to find a way to replace that. You’re giving so much of yourself, your time, your energy, your life, really.

It’s funny that some of my friends think I make really good money (I don’t. I’m so fucking grateful that I actually get paid to play music, but my last sales job paid about 4-5 times more) because they hear I’ll make $X amount for a two-hour show. “That much for two hours? That’s amazing!” Until you explain how much time went into researching venues, sending out countless booking emails, the band rehearsals, the travel, etc. and then you realize what that roughly comes out to per hour and it’s not so enticing to them anymore.

Think of everything that goes into the last song you just played on Spotify. By the time you hear a song from one of my records, these are the things that likely have already happened:

  • I’ve spent multiple hours writing, arranging and finishing the words and music

  • I then spend some more time recording a demo to send to the band

  • The bands spends hours listening to, writing/finalizing their parts

  • The band and I spend hours rehearsing said song over and over trying to find the perfect feel, parts, adding in accents, little tweaks, etc. along the way

  • We’ll travel for hours to shows, playing that song live to get a better feel of what we like, what we need to change, etc.

  • We’ll spend more hours changing, tweaking parts, trying new things to see what makes it better, what makes it worse and what makes it different from the other songs we have

  • Then we’ll spend more hours in the studio recording the song

  • Then we’ll spend more hours listening to the mixes of those recordings and tweaking those

  • We’ll spend more hours going over the recorded song as a whole figuring out how and where it best fits on the album, or it should be on the album at all

  • We’ll spend more hours listening to the mastered versions to make sure the track order is correct, every song lives and breathes the way it should, and that the final product is what we want

  • We’ll spend hours coming up with and designing the album art

  • More hours will be spent taking promo photos for the upcoming record

  • Then we’ll spend hours finding the right publicist/company to promote the album

  • Then we’ll spend hours planning and prepping the release of the album and a release show/tour

  • THEN FINALLY, you can open up Spotify, click on the song and listen to the damn thing; where we make almost no money from it…

That’s just off the top of my head. There’s certainly steps that I’ve missed but that’s a pretty fucking good idea of what we’re doing and how long it takes to get this music to you. I’m not complaining, but just want people to know. Music has been so devalued as of late, that it’s hard for me to not rant about it. For most people, music is something that you play in the background while you do laundry or workout. Or something that’s on at the bar (possibly it’s even a live band) that you can ignore while you talk with your friends. A song is plucked from an album that took hundreds of hours to build. Look, I get it. Not every piece of music is for everyone. A lot of people make music to be background sound, or just have a song or two they want you to hear and the rest is filler. But, some people, like me, still regard music-making as a work of art. I consider it to be a noble undertaking. So, when it’s relegated to sound for sound’s sake, it’s tough. To me, music is like a beautiful painting or an amazing novel or a delicious meal from a restaurant, it’s meant to have time devoted to it. It’s meant to be savored. It’s meant to be your sole focus when your ingesting it. Maybe I’m just old (I’m not, but I feel like it sometimes), but I still think listening to music is an activity unto itself. When I fire up the turntable, I play ‘em start to finish. It’s my own weird house rule, once that needle touches down, the album will be played in its entirety, both sides, every time.

I still even struggle to have conversations with people when music is playing. Some of that is the Asperger’s, as my mind goes all over the place and I struggle to focus enough to talk with someone longer than a sentence or two. So, I don’t need another distraction to further throw me off. I have no clue how people listen to music and read. Both require 100% of my focus, and last I checked, I still only have 100% to divvy up.

But, the other part of me is thinking there’s millions of albums out there to listen to, so I do actually appreciate it when someone chooses one of mine, no matter what the circumstance. I’d rather play a show where half the audience is drunk and not paying attention than sit at home and play to myself. So, I see both sides. Again, I’m grateful that I have the opportunity to write, record and play music, and, on top of that, I get paid to do it. That is special. I’m a lucky man. I do understand that, that’s not what I’m talking about here. I just wanted to give a glimpse into what we give of ourselves for your listening pleasure.

Wow, I’ll get down off my soap box now. That certainly stirred something in me.

Anyways, Monday Night Raw is about to come on, so I have to go…

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I think this was the only picture we had from Summit where I’m actually in focus AND not making a weird face. I move too much and make lots of weird faces when I sing/play…

I think this was the only picture we had from Summit where I’m actually in focus AND not making a weird face. I move too much and make lots of weird faces when I sing/play…

What did I tell you? Earl’s stage is pretty and the show was a lot of fun. Here’s the boys setting up…

What did I tell you? Earl’s stage is pretty and the show was a lot of fun. Here’s the boys setting up…

Songs of the month... aka Women are fucking awesome; and so is bourbon...

As I sit here, trying to decide if I like Buffalo Trace bourbon and where it might fit in my family of bourbons (topped by Blanton’s, Buffalo Trace’s older, rye-ier brother), I realize that I cannot stop watching “Corner Gas;” that quirky, Canadian “Friends”-like show, except all the characters kind of hate-love each other. Brent’s mom is easily the worst character in the show, making her husband, Oscar, seem palatable by nature. Besides Brent, the main character, my favorite character is Hank, the dumb sidekick. He rarely is mean, cruel, sarcastic, vengeful, plotting or any of the other adjectives that describe literally everyone else. Anyways, maybe I do like Buffalo Trace as didn’t I already recommend “Corner Gas” on Amazon Prime? And when you’re finished with its 6 season, watch “Spaced.” My god, what an amazing show from the guys who did “Shaun of the Dead” (watch for some callbacks in “Shaun”), one of my favorite movies and my personal inspiration for my zombie character in the music video for “Let’s Go Out Tonight” along with “Thriller,” obviously. Wait, what am I talking about?

The past few weeks have been very trying for ‘ol Bradley Wik. I’m not sure what the root cause is but I’m sure it’s some degree of being back home in Portland, OR more the past month or the lack of motivation I’ve had to write/record new shit. It’s hard to describe what depression feels like but I’d say it feels sort of like be hungover everyday, with slightly less headaches. The malaise, the feeling of worthlessness, the stomach aches, the self-critique of being a lazy piece of shit, the counting down of hours until you can effectively put on your PJ’s, grab a glass of bourbon, lay in bed and watch reruns of “Whose Line is it Anyway?” until midnight then switching to BET for reruns of “Martin” until you pass out from exhaustion/booze. I always wonder how much should be attributed to the Asperger’s, how much to just plain ‘ol depression or how much to the lack of sleep/booze (Kanye advocated for the latter) over the years. Sound fun, right?

In good news, as I mentioned previously, I have my typewriter back in working order. It’s a Royal Quiet De Luxe (in case you give a shit about such things). It gives me such joy to peck away as I work through my backlog of songs that aren’t typed out yet. It’s been amazing to go back and read some of the lyrics from my folk songs. They’re equally entertaining and ridiculous and semi-autobiographical, somehow. I posted some a couple weeks ago, check it out HERE. I love to sit with a glass of bourbon (and sometimes a cigarette) and clack those keys. It’s a weirdly satisfying experience and a fun way to wallow in nostalgia.

Excuse the shitty quality (it’s not mine) but I couldn’t find a better clip of ONE OF MY FAVORITE SONGS EVER ON FAMILY GUY.

As far as music goes this week, I’ve been combing back through old Spotify playlists and here are the highlights:

“No Country” - The Jezabels

I’m not sure what to say other than this song get’s me misty eyed every time I put it on. The guitar flourishes sound like something I would write 99 times out of 100. I love trills and repeating lines. God bless Asperger’s, it makes music like math; which I also love.

“Antabus” - Makthaverskan

I think I spelled that right, jesus. Pure fun, and sadness. Incredible. “Fuck You. Fuck You.”

“We are what you say” - Dead Sara

Jesus fuck, what a fucking tune. Got to see Dead Sara not too long ago and motherfucker what a show. Incredible. I was fucking entertained from minute one until the high fives as she ran through the crowd at the end. Just fuck yeah.

“Cost of the Cold” - Joan Shelley

Fuck me sideways. Few people can pull off what Joan does on this song. I feel like I’m living in a different world while I listen to this. That’s the biggest compliment I can give. If a song can create an entire world where I can reside, without connection to my own reality for four minutes and not even realize that I’ve left. I hate coming back…

“Teeth” - Lisa Hannigan

There was a time (maybe I still do now upon revisiting) in which I led the coalition of those who found Lisa Hannigan to be the most attractive woman on the planet due to her combination of talent and beauty. This is such a Damien Rice-like tune that I can’t help but weep when I listen to it. I could listen to Lisa sing all day, every day; and look at her much the same. There’s a delicate pain and reactive anger in this tune I can’t get enough of. Not sure why I like that kind of thing, but boy, do I.

“Irene” - Courtney Marie Andrews

This song once saved my life. True story. I was driving back to Portland, OR from Boise, ID after a show and got caught in a snowstorm just outside Baker City, OR. I-84 went straight from drive-able to a fucking shitshow. I was sliding all over the road and could barely see. Of course, I didn’t have chains (growing up in WI, the city/state actually takes care of the roads and salts/clears the fucking roads). I was trapped between a couple semi-trucks so I could slow down or speed up too much as we weaved through the mountainous region, complete with various cliffs (remember: I will die by driving over a cliff. I’ve dreamt it so many times I know it to be true. It is my worst fear, but also a reality; but not on this day) and treacherous curves. Right before I got to this stretch of highway (which lasted about 100 miles and nearly 6 hours) I had set my Spotify to repeat on this song. Once I hit the rough patch, every time I reached to change the song, my car would swerve or I’d lose traction to remind me to fucking leave it be. I decided I would not go off the cliff or get run over by the semi-trucks who seemed intent on driving much faster than me but with far less control by focusing on this song and this song only until I was back into safety. Courtney Marie Andrews, without this song, I probably would’ve freaked out or made a driving mistake which could have led to my demise. Thank you.

“Ultrafluorescent” - Oshwa

Either I’m drunk or Squarespace’s spellcheck is fucking awful. It keeps flagging words I spell right motherfucker. I don’t get it.. But regardless, I can’t figure out why I like this song so much. I just do. I just do.

“Breakfast of Champions” - Rainer Maria

For those under 30, this is what the music of our teenage years sounded like. Perfectly beautiful, rough, melodic, angry, sad, hopeful and named after Kurt Vonnegut Jr. books. Brilliant. And one of the few bands from Wisconsin that kicked fucking ass. They were perfect for a moment and a place. And that moment is me and that place is wherever the fuck I am.

Just noticed every song is sung and/or written by women. Seems like I have a preference for my vocal presentations, songs and musical sensibilities. Anyone who thinks women don’t kick as much ass as (or more than) men can go fuck themselves. Just listen to these tunes and tell me different. Some of the best shit I’ve heard in the past couple years. I love it and I hope you enjoy these tunes. I don’t actually. I couldn’t care less, actually. God bless Asperger’s. God Bless Me. I think I’ve had enough pours to officially like Buffalo Trace bourbon by now. God Bless America.

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rainer maria look now look again.jpg

Spotify's "Your Top Songs of 2017" and more aka... I can't believe this year has passed me by aka... concussions suck...

Holy shit, it's almost 2018...  Let's recap this crazy year, in music of course...




Honestly (as if I've ever been anything less than honest with you people), the Packers probably had no business taking this game.  The "Battle of the Bays" was won by defense, special teams, some new plays and some lucky bounces.  I was texting my brother the entire game "we'll win if we just don't throw it."  This became the "just don't throw it" game.  Every first down, every third down, every big play "just don't throw it" showed up on my phone, either from Jobe or to Jobe from me.  It was our rallying cry, and... it fucking worked!  That Williams kid is a beast and had some 2013-2014 Lacy-esque, I'm-fucking-tougher-than-you big boy runs, like his touchdown carry.  And, of course, Aaron Jones, the rookie sensation who somehow is back only two weeks after hurting his knee, had one run for twenty yards, and, oh yeah, the fucking game winning score.  I love those kids and they're only going to get better...


For anyone who didn't know how brilliant Kenny Clark has been playing this year and was questioning Clay Matthews III and his abilities/impact, welcome back to the real world.  4 1/2 sacks between them, and an unreal impact on the running game.  Those kids just fucking know how to play ball.  I know people complain about Clay and his seemingly annual ailments but injuries happen and  we shouldn't hold it against him; though I do believe health is a skill, just look at Brett Favre.  Also, I remember Reggie White playing with a torn knee ligament and destroying the Bears after they tried to cut-block him on like the second snap or something, which fucking pissed him off, and he played the rest of the game like a hungry lion who only ate quarterbacks and running backs.  I can't remember who, but someone this week got a sack off the "hump move" which I haven't seen for years.  I don't know how a move could be so devastating yet so unachievable by anyone else.  Goddamn, Reggie was special.  Wait, he was a preacher, so I'll rephrase "man, Reggie was special."  God bless him and God rest his soul.  Truly one of a kind...  Anyhow, on to the music.



I wasn't able to post this on Monday like normal due to being out of town (and busy) at a show.  My good friend Jonathan Fickes' band A View of Earth from the Moon had an album release show and party over the weekend which I was fucking thrilled to attend.  That man is true talent and I got to see, and smoke way too many cigarettes with, some old friends.  Life's journey is funny, but never as predictable it seems.  Anywhosal...


One of the only good things about the internet is Spotify.  I find more new music on there than anywhere else.  Tastemakers and aggregate websites seem to be a dying breed.  No one reliably tells me who is good and who isn't anymore, like Pitchfork used to (or B-Sides in Madison, WI, one of my all-time favorite record stores).  I spend more money on Spotify recommendations (yes, I still buy music.  Hello?  Independent/struggling artist) than on music from anywhere else.


But, one of my favorite things is when they send end of year playlists.  It's strange, and always surprising, to see what I listened to the most during the past year, so today I wanted to go over some of the highlights.  It's not what I expected but some strange events played into that, which I'll discuss.  Here are some of the songs I spun (nope, clicked) the most in 2017:

Courtney Marie Andrews - "Rookie Dreaming"


This song was high on the list from 2017 for two reasons:


1.  This is a phenomenal album that I could listen to front to back, many times over.

2.  I was forced to listen to this album front to back, many times over.


Why was I forced to listen to this album front to back, many times over?  That's a fair question.  Well, I heard "Not the End" on a Spotify playlist and listened to it over and over for an hour or so while driving.  Seeing as I had indulged in Courtney Marie Andrews' sweet melodies for that long, I purchased the album and popped it in for an upcoming five hour drive.  I brought along about five or six other CD's that I would switch out along the way but fate intervened.  As soon as I left Baker City, OR it began to snow.  As I approached La Grande, OR it began to snow, hard.  Soon, the freeways were being blocked off but I was already cruising.  I got stuck behind the snow plow trucks trying desperately to clear the roadways; at thirty miles per hour.  For the first six hours of my return trip, stuck behind those plows, the roads were still so treacherous that I was unable to change CD's as my car kept sliding around and I was trying desperately to not drive off one of the many cliffs I was passing.  So, for six hours straight I played "Honest Life" by Courtney on repeat, listening intently so I wouldn't notice my car sliding dangerously towards the edge, towards my impending death, time and time again, during what turned out to be my ten hour drive back to Portland.



Probably my favorite live show from 2017.  It's rare I get to just lose myself (in the music, the moment, you own it) and became an unabashed fan, yelling along to every word from the front of the pit with the other die-hards.  This show released my inner fan in a way I haven't experienced since watching maybe Ryan Adams, the Hold Steady, Jon Fickes (on Sunday) or Joanna Newsom (take your pick).


Land of Talk - "Loving"


Probably my second favorite live show from 2017.  There's just something about their albums "Life After Youth" and  "Some are Lakes" that just hit me where I need it.  Not sure exactly what it is, but I love it and want more of it.


Steve Forbert - "Romeo's Song"


I know I've posted this song before but it never gets any less impressive each time I listen to it.  Maybe Steve would never reach these heights again on a recording but, goddamn, did he nail it at least once on this beauty.  Also, I love the home movie style video linked above that has the "Classics Disco" tag in the corner...  Clearly shot when videographers thought VHS would supplant film in the movie world.  Boy, were they wrong...


Modern Baseball - "Wedding Singer"


I found this record last year and was moderately intrigued.  It popped back up on a Spotify playlist a few months later and I couldn't stop playing this on repeat.  Their incessant hipster-ing is borderline annoying but the tunes, especially this one, are just too good to hate.

Childish Gambino - "IV. Sweatpants"


Who knew an ex-writer from "30 Rock" had this in them?  Is he a brilliant MC?  No, but it's ridiculous and it's pure, silly fun.


Joan Shelley - "Cost of the Cold"


Couldn't find a decent live video for this one, but goddamn is this a beautiful song.  Again, Spotify said "Bradley, I think you're gonna like this shit muthafucker" and they were right.  The first time I heard this I was cleaning the house (which I do every Saturday) and played this song on repeat for the 1 1/2 hours it takes me to finish.  Almost every time, except for a couple moments when the vacuum was going, I found myself getting lost in the melodies and wonder of this song and completely forgetting that I was cleaning the fucking toilet or whatever.  I did this for three weeks straight, listening to this song probably, what is that, 70 times and never once got sick of it.  It landed on some playlists which pushed it up onto my 2017 most played tracks.

The Kinks - "Lola"


This one makes the list every year for sentimental reasons.  She knows why...


Bonus points since Ray Davies kind of looks like Casey Jones from the first Ninja Turtles movie in this video.


Paul Westerberg - "Things"


Again, no good live video but this song doesn't need any of my yammering or bullshit to make it brilliant.  Not sure why but "14 Songs" had a huge comeback this past year and I couldn't stop spinning, or clicking, or pushing the "track forward" button until #11 to hear this fucking song.

CHVRCHES - "We Sink"


Live from a stage I've graced more than once.  Fuck, is it just me or is the singer absurdly attractive?  It took until this past year to finally get on board with this band.  I can't remember why I wrote them off initially but I'm glad I gave them a second chance.  Damn, Scottish girls are hot...

Wesley Willis - "Rock N' Roll McDonalds"


I'll never forget the first time I heard this song and the asshole who played it for me.  He thought it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard.  He repeatedly called Wesley a retard and said this was the dumbest and most hilarious shit he'd ever heard.  It was obvious there was more going on and I was very interested in learning about Wesley.  I watched "The Daddy of Rock 'n' Roll" and my heart nearly exploded for this man.  His music never sounded the same to me after that.  All I hear now is the pain and the anger and the hurt and the love and the compassion and the desire and the beauty that isn't obviously clear.  Once I left my small town in southeastern Wisconsin, I found friends who felt the same and got this music for what it was:  tortured, more than anything else.


I don't know what else to say.  I could go on from my "Top Songs of 2017" playlist all night but these are the highlights.  Peace Bitches!


(dictated but not read.  Fuck, what do you expect?  It's goddamn 2:30 in the morning)